FMS Research Center

Adaptive Out-of-Equilibrium Systems

The main goal of the “Adaptive out-of-equilibrium systems” research program is the design, synthesis, and study of the dynamic behavior and its application to synthetic molecular motor systems in order to mimic and understand adaptive functions, achieve controlled motion and develop systems that can reconfigure dynamically and perform machine-like functions. Moreover, the concepts of kinetically controlled self-assembly and far-from-equilibrium self-assembly and combine it with the non-homogeneous distribution of components in this research line. The objective is to uncover the underlying fundamental rules, which may be used to design complex (bio)chemical systems, to find out how these systems function in, and respond to different chemical and physical environments. It will provide the design rules to be applied in the construction of increasingly complex synthetic systems in a modular fashion. Within this research program, we established a strong collaboration network with Harvard University in Boston, USA.

Overall, this research line aims to work on ‘Discovering the complexity of living systems’