Björne Mollet, Marta Comellas-Aragones, Jolanda Spiering, Serge Söntjens, Bert Meijer and Patricia Dankers of TU/e have published their recent work on a modular approach to easily processable supramolecular bilayered scaffolds […]
Angewandte Chemie publication for prof. Wilhelm Huck and coworkers
Angewandte Chemie publication for researchers of the FMS Research Center. A collaboration between researchers from the IMM (RU) and the ICMS (TU/e) results in a new experimental method to precisely […]
NWO Rubicon for Peter Korevaar of TU/e
NWO has awarded Peter Korevaar of TU/e a Rubicon grant. With this grant Peter will go for two years to the Biomineralization and Biomimetics Lab of prof. Joanna Aizenberg […]
Dr. Gerard Roelfes has been awarded a NWO award VICI grant
Dr. Gerard Roelfes, associate professor in the University of Groningen and member of the FMS, has been awarded a VICI grant of EUR 1.5 milion by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research […]
The research of Gerard Roelfes in Kennislink
The research of Gerard Roelfes, associate professor in the University of Groningen and member of the FMS Research Center, is highlighted this week in an article in Kennislink (in Dutch). […]
Publication in Angewandte Chemie for Jan van Hest group
Researchers in Jan van Hest group, in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Bordeaux, have developed an artificial cell containing organelles that perform different steps of a chemical reaction. […]
Interview with Prof. Ben Feringa in Kennislink
Ben Feringa, profesor at the University of Groningen and member of the FMS Research Center, talks about his passion for chemistry in the Kennislink website. This interview is part of […]
A Marie Curie Individual Training Network granted to Ben Feringa
Prof. Ben Feringa from the University of Groningen has been granted with a Marie Curie Individual Training Network (PhD4Energy). More information can be found in the website of the Stratingh Institute […]
Prof. Bert Meijer receives two European awards
Prof. Bert Meijer, professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology, scientific director of the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, and director of the FMS Research Center, has received the 2014 Prelog […]
Prof. Ben Feringa is awarded the Yamada-Koga Prize and the Nagoya Gold Medal
For more information follow the links: News of University of Groningen and News of Stratingh Institute for Chemistry […]