SysChem2015 is an international meeting on Systems Chemistry, covering topics ranging from the origin of life / de novo life (synthetic cells) to oscillating reactions and (far-from-equilibrium) supramolecular chemistry. This […]
ERC starting grant for Ilja Voets
Ilja Voets, assistant professor at the ICMS (TU/e), was granted with a ERC starting grant for her research on anti-freeze proteins and materials. Find more information on the ICMS and […]
Poster prizes CHAINS 2014 to four PhD students in FMS groups
Four of the six poster prizes awarded during the second edition of CHAINS on 17-18 November 2014, went to PhD students from groups members of the FMS Research Centre. Congratulations […]
Interviews to Prof. Wilhelm Huck and Prof. Sijbren Otto in Kennislink
Professors Wilhelm Huck and Sijbren Otto, from the Radboud University and University of Groningen respectively, have been recently interviewed in the scientific website Kennislink. These interviews are part of the […]
Cope Scholar Award 2015 for Prof. Ben Feringa
Prof. Ben Feringa (Stratingh Institue for Chemistry, RUG) has been granted with a Arthur C. Cope Scholar award 2015. The Arthur C. Cope Scholar award, sponsored by the Arthur C. Cope […]
Veni grants awarded to Lorenzo Albertazzi and Sander Wezenberg
Lorenzo Albertazzi (ICMS, TU/e) and Sander Wezenberg (Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, RUG) have been awarded a Veni grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The Veni grant is […]
TU/e Distinguished Professor Stupp at ICMS
Professor Samuel I. Stupp will visit ICMS July 15-18 2014. During his stay he will give two lectures. The first lecture is entitled “Supramolecular systems for solar fuels and photovoltaics” […]
TOP-PUNT grant for Dick Broer, Bert Meijer and Anja Palmans of TU/e
NWO Chemical Sciences has awarded the TU/e ICMS team of Bert Meijer, Dick Broer and Anja Palmans a TOP-PUNT grant. The researchers will receive 2 million euros funding for their […]
Minister Bussemaker visited ICMS
Dr. Jet Bussemaker, Minister of Education, Culture and Science of The Netherlands has visited ICMS on June 16, 2014. Her visit aimed at getting to know better the four running […]
Interview with Prof.dr. Roeland Nolte in C2W
Roeland Nolte, Emeritus Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and former Director of the Institute for Molecules and Materials of this University talks about his […]