FMS Research Center




Networking symposium for young group leaders in Chemistry

Do you know your fellow assistant professors in the Netherlands? What are they working on? Are you interested in collaborating with them? Where will you apply for your next round of funding?
The NextGenChem@NL symposium aims to bring together the future group leaders in chemistry. For the first time in the Netherlands, we are organizing a meeting specifically targeted to young faculty (assistant professors, tenure trackers, VENI laureates).

What to expect?
A scientific meeting where participants will have an opportunity to briefly present his/her research, with ample time for discussion. A creative environment to exchange scientific ideas and career experiences. Dedicated meeting rooms for small group discussions. Time for networking in a more social setting.

In short, a symposium full of opportunities to create and strengthen the ties with your colleagues in the field.

Who should attend?
Assistant professors, tenure trackers, VENI laureates in the field of chemistry, including (but not limited to):

  • Supramolecular Chemistry
  • Chemical Biology
  • Bio-Organic Chemistry
  • Soft Matter
  • Organic Chemistry

  • Physical Organic Chemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Catalysis
  • Systems Chemistry

When and Where? How to register?
Visit the website here.