Check here a photoimpression of Prof. Lehn’s visit.

The first Netherlands Award for Supramolecular Chemistry could only be given to one person: Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, by many regarded as the founding father of Supramolecular Chemistry. This prize was in recognition of his lifetime contribution to the field. From 25 to 30 September 2015 Jean-Marie Lehn visited several universities in the Netherlands as part of the lectureship connected to the award. The award ceremony took place in Nijmegen on 30 September, on the day of his 76th birthday.
Professor Jean-Marie Lehn
Jean-Marie Lehn was born in 1939 in Rosheim, France. In 1963 he received a PhD in chemistry from the University of Strasbourg and in 1970 he became professor of chemistry at Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg. From 1979 to 2010 he was also professor at the Collège de France in Paris (Chaire de Chimie des interactions moléculaires). In 2002 he founded the Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS) in Strasbourg, where he continues directing a group. Jean-Marie Lehn is presently Honorary Professor at the Collège de France in Paris and Professor Emeritus at the University of Strasbourg.
In 1987 Jean-Marie Lehn received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry together with Donald Cram and Charles J. Pedersen for their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity. Over the years, his studies on the chemical basis of “molecular recognition”, which also play a fundamental role in biological processes, led him to define a new field in chemistry which he named: Supramolecular Chemistry. It deals with the design and synthesis of complex chemical entities held together by intermolecular forces. In later years, Jean-Marie Lehn’s research interests expanded towards adaptive chemistry and complex systems.
Jean-Marie Lehn is author of more than 900 scientific publications and has received numerous international honors and awards. In addition to chemistry his other passion is music. He started playing piano and organ already at very young age.
About the Netherlands Award for Supramolecular Chemistry
During the last two decades the Netherlands have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to the field of Supramolecular Chemistry. With this in mind the Research Center for Functional Molecular Systems has initiated the Netherlands Award for Supramolecular Chemistry with the intention to recognize and reward outstanding scientists in the Supramolecular Chemistry field, and provide researchers in The Netherlands the opportunity to meet leading scientists in this field. The award will be presented every year to an internationally renowned senior or junior scientist working in the field of Supramolecular Chemistry. The awardee will be invited to undertake a lecture tour of The Netherlands and present his/her work at several universities.
Prof. Lehn’s The Netherlands lectureship
Check here the poster of Prof. Lehn’s lectureship.
Prof. Lehn visited several locations during his lecture tour of The Netherlands, and he presented his work and his views on the future of chemistry during a lecture entitled: “Perspectives in Chemistry: Towards Complex Matter”. Please find below the program and venue information at every location.
Friday 25.9 • University of Groningen • Stratingh Lecture at the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry
15:00h – 16:30h in lecture room 5161.0151
Bernoulliborg building
Nijenborgh 9, 9747 AG Groningen
More information on how to reach this location
Monday 28.9 • University of Twente (Enschede) • Keynote speaker at the yearly MESA+ meeting
9:00h in Wolff CineStar
Colosseum 60, 7521 PT Enschede
(This symposium is for employees of the MESA+ only, externals on invitation.)
More information on the MESA+ meeting program and registration
Tuesday 29.9 • Eindhoven University of Technology • ICMS lecture
(organized by the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems and The Studium Generale)
11:00h – 12:00h in the Blauwe Zaal
Visiting address: Groene Loper (building 1, Auditorium), TU/e campus, Eindhoven
Navigation address: De Zaale, Eindhoven
More information on how to reach this location
Reserve your seat
Wednesday 30.9 • Radboud University (Nijmegen) • Lecture and award ceremony in the Aula of the Radboud University
(Registration not needed for this event)
15:30h – 16:00h Welcome with coffee/tea (Hall)
16:00h – 17:30h Award ceremony and lecture Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn (Aula lecture room)
17:30h – 18:30h Reception (Anton van Duinkerken room)
Venue information
Aula of the Radboud University
Comeniuslaan 2, 6525 HP Nijmegen
More information on how to reach this location
Prof. Lehn’s lectureship on the Dutch media
Cursor (magazine of the Eindhoven University of Technology):
- Nobelprijswinnaar Chemie spreekt op TU/e
- Nobel Prize laureate speaks at TU/e
- Nobelprijswinnaar chemie inspireert én bespeelt het orgel
Voxweb (independent magazine of the Radboud University)
Kennislink (Dutch scientific website)
Volkskrant (Dutch newspaper)
- Interview with Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn (in Dutch)