Check here a photoimpression of Dr. Klajn’s visit.

The first Netherlands Scholar Award for Supramolecular Chemistry was awarded to Dr. Rafal Klajn (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel). The prize was on recognition of his outstanding contribution to the field of supramolecular chemistry and responsive materials in an early stage of his career. From September 16 to 22, 2016, associate professor Rafal Klajn visited several universities in the Netherlands as part of the lectureship connected to the award.
Dr. Rafal Klajn
Rafal Klajn was born in Poland in 1982. In 2009 he completed his PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering at Northwestern University (USA), working with Profs. Bartosz A. Grzybowski and Sir J. Fraser Stoddart. The thesis was dedicated to the development of new functional materials arising from the integration of inorganic nanocrystals with molecular and supramolecular switches. Since 2009, Rafal Klajn is faculty member of the department of Organic Chemistry of the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), first as assistant professor and since 2016 as associate professor. The research performed in his group deals with molecular switches, nanoscale self-assembly, supramolecular chemistry, stimuli-responsive nanomaterials, and chemical reactivity in confined spaces.
Rafal Klajn is author of more than 50 publications and is recipient of the 2010 IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists, the 2013 ACS Victor K. LaMer Award, a 2013 ERC Starting Investigator Award, and the 2015 Liebig Lectureship (Germany), among other prizes.
About the Netherlands Scholar Award for Supramolecular Chemistry
Following on from the Netherlands Award for Supramolecular Chemistry, the Research Center for Functional Molecular Systems has initiated the Netherlands Scholar Award for Supramolecular Chemistry. The scholar variant of the award aims to recognize and reward outstanding junior scientists working in supramolecular chemistry and encourage excellence in the field. The Scholar Award is presented every other year, alternating with the senior award. The recipient of the Scholar Award will be invited to undertake a lecture tour of The Netherlands and present his/her work at several universities. This will provide researchers in The Netherlands with the opportunity to meet future leading scientists in this field.
Rafal Klajn’s The Netherlands lectureship
Rafal Klajn visited several locations during his lecture tour of The Netherlands in September 2016.
Friday 16.09 • University of Groningen • Lecture at the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry
15:00h – 16:00h in lecture room 5111.0022 (Nijenborgh 4, RUG, Groningen)
Lecture title: From dynamically self-assembling materials to chemical reactivity inside confined environments
Monday 19.09 • Eindhoven University of Technology • ICMS/FMS lecture (Institute for Complex Molecular Systems)
11:45h – 12:30h in lecture room Ceres 0.31 (Ceres building, Groene Loper 7, TU/e, Eindhoven)
Lecture title: Light-controlled self-assembly and reactivity in nanoparticle-based systems
(This lecture takes place also in the framework of the 4TU.HTM workshop)
Tuesday 20.09 • Academy master class (Amsterdam) • Master class connected to the FMS course Four practical lessons towards out-of-equilibrium • Organized by the FMS Research Center and The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (registration required)
Lecture title: Designing dynamic materials using inorganic nanoparticles as building blocks
Wednesday and Thursday 21-22.09 • Academy colloquium (Amsterdam) • Academy colloquium: Functional molecular systems going out-of-equilibrium • Organized by the FMS Research Center and The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (by invitation only)
Lecture title: New dynamic materials responsive to light, CO2, and magnetic fields