FMS Research Center

The Netherlands Supramolecular Chemistry Awards 2023

The Research Center for Functional Molecular Systems presents the Netherlands Awards for Supramolecular Chemistry 2023, which recognize outstanding scientists in the field of supramolecular chemistry.


The 2023 Netherlands Supramolecular Chemistry Award is awarded to Professor Joanna Aizenberg (Harvard University). She is a pioneer in the field of bio-inspired materials science and engineering — a branch of science that uses biological principles as guides in developing advanced, adaptive materials and devices. Her work focuses on understanding the unique architectural principles found in nature that enable living organisms to assemble themselves into structures with high functionality. Next to nanostructured materials, she inspires the world with many novel complex materials emerging from simple concepts.
Joanna Aizenberg is the Amy Smith Berylson Professor of Materials Science at Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the co-director of the Kavli Institute for Bionano Science and Technology and a core faculty member of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. She is the fifth recipient of the Netherlands Supramolecular Award, with Professors Jean-Marie Lehn, Sir Fraser Stoddart, Chad A. Mirkin and Takuzo Aida.

The 2023 Netherlands Scholar Award for Supramolecular Chemistry is awarded to Professor Thomas Hermans. He is professor at the University of Strasbourg and leader of the laboratory of nonequilibrium complex systems. He is recognized for his work on molecular self-assembly in far-from-equilibrium conditions. Thomas Hermans is the seventh recipient of the Netherlands Supramolecular Scholar Award with Rafal Klajn, Hanadi Sleiman, Kenichiro Itami, Helma Wennemers, Tanja Weil, Alberto Credi and Rachel O’Reilly. Their contributions to science are inspiring to many Dutch chemists in the exiting field of supramolecular chemistry.

The awardees will be invited to undertake a lecture tour of The Netherlands and present their work at several universities.