The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Chemical Sciences has awarded six New Polymer Materials (NEWPOL) grants to projects in the field of new polymer materials. These public-private partnerships will be conducted in collaboration with the Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI). Three of these projects have been awarded to FMS faculty:
- Supramolecular biomaterials for stem cell expansion
Prof. dr. E.W. Meijer, Dr. ir. A.R.A. Palmans - Self-synthesizing gels
Prof. dr. S. Otto - SuperActive antimicrobial scaffold repairs tissue
Dr. P.Y.W. Dankers (together with Dr. S.A.J. Zaat)
Check here for more information from ICMS.
Check here for more information on the projects awarded (NWO website).
Check here for an article in the TU/e magazine Cursor (in Dutch).